Adolescent Substance Use Community Discussion – What can we do to prevent it?

When: Thursday, Sept. 28, 2017   6:30 pm

Where: Henry County Extension Office, 2151 Campbellsburg Rd. New Castle, Ky. 40050

What can communities and parents due to prevent adolescent substance use?  This event is open to the public and parents and teens are encouraged to attend.  RSVPs are requested since space is limited and a light meal will be provided.  Please click on the following link for more information and to RSVP:

Adolescent Substance Use Event-1

FREE Naloxone Training – Bullitt County, Kentucky

When: Tuesday, Sept. 12, 2017                2:30 pm – 6:00 pm

Where: Bullitt County Health Department,  181 Lees Valley Road, Shepherdsville, Ky.


Bullitt County Health Department will be providing training and a free naloxone kit to everyone 18 years of age and older.

Please click on the following link below for more information: Naloxone training 9.12.17


Workshop for Parents and Grandparents: Drugs Hiding in Plain Sight

Kentucky State Police Trooper Robert Purdy, an 11 year veteran of the Kentucky State Police and current public affairs officer at the Richmond KSP Post will be providing a workshop to teach parents and grandparents raising grandchildren about current drug trends, drug culture and the how to recognize drugs that teens can be hiding in plain sight.


When: September 18, 2017   Noon – 2pm

Where: 2821 Klempner Way, Louisville, Ky. 40205

Space is limited…RSVPs requested

drugs drugs

For more information and to RSVP to attend this event, please click on the following link:

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Grandparents Raising Grandchildren / Kinship Family Conference

Thursday, May 18, 2017

Free Conference  and lunch will be provided.

8:30 a.m. – 2:30p.m.

Southeast Christian Church, 920 Blankenbaker Parkway, Louisville, KY. 40243

Preregistration Required: Deadline to Register: Friday, May 12, 2017

Preregister by calling Sheila Harber at 502- 266-5571 or email


 Conference Agenda


8:30– 9:00            Registration

9:00 – 9:15            Welcome and Introduction by KYA, Dr. Terry Brooks and KIPDA, Mrs. Barbara Gordon

9:15-  10:00           Keynote Presentation by DCBS Commissioner, Adria Johnson

10:15 – 11:00        Workshop Session One:

Session A:             Understanding Grief

SE Christian Church

Session B:            What to expect from family court

                                    Honorable Judge Marie Hellard, Family Court Judge 

11:15 – 12:00         Lunch Sponsored by: Passport Health Plankipda logo

                                   Kinship Hotline, DCBS

12:00 – 12:45        Workshop Session Two:

 Session A:           Fears and Worries- Helping Your Child Cope

                                    Mary Beth Uberti, Operation Parent

 Session B:           It’s Not About You- Except When It Is

                             A Field Manual for Parents with an Addicted Child

                                   Author, Barbara Victoria          

1:00 – 1:45             Workshop Session Three:

Session A:             TECH TALK – Cyber bullying and sexting     

Mary Beth Uberti, Operation Parent

Session B:             KINSHIP: Rebuilding Healthy Families When Addiction Strikes

                                   Kimberly Hinkel, MSSW, KIPDA & SOS for Addictions

 2:00 – 2:30           Closing, evaluation, door prize giveaway

Henry County Drug Education / Resource Fair

Saturday, March 25, 2017

addiction word image

10 am—2 pm

Henry Co. Fairgrounds, 4H Building


  • Learn the science behind addiction
  • Learn about adolescent drug use.
  • Learn about current drug trends.
  • Find HOPE and learn about recovery.
  • Learn about community harm reduction.
  • Author, Barbara Victoria will share strategies from her book, It’s Not About You, Except When It Is, to discuss the importance of healthy boundaries and codependency and share “Dos” and “Don’ts” for parents with an addicted child.
  • Connect with agencies on site to find the help, support, and resources for you & your family.


Door Prizes

Drug Test Kits Available

Lunch Provided

  • We ask that you please RSVP with  Jo Brewer 845-5546 or Mona Huff 845-6849 to reserve your lunch

    This event is brought to you by: KIPDA, SOS for Addictions LLC., TriCounty COMPASS &

     Communities in Action.


Addiction: Remembering Lives 1/29/17

Come out to Jeffersonville, IN on Sunday, January 29, 2017

  • 5PM, Candlelight Vigil at the base of the Big Four Bridge (Indiana side)
  • 6PM, Prayer Warriors at St. Augustine’s RC (315 E Chestnut St, Jeffersonville)
  • 7PM, Benefit Concert for Clark County CARES, Jamey Aebersold Quartet at St. Paul’s (321 E Market at Walnut Street, Jeffersonville)

Addiction: Moving the Message 1/27/17

  • Come to Jeffersonville, IN on Friday, January 27, 2017 
  • Keynote Speaker: Sam Quinones, author of the bestseller Dreamland
    • 8:30-10:00AM, Clark Memorial Hospital (1220 Missouri Avenue, Private Dining Room)
    • For Healthcare professionals. RSVP
  • Jammin’ Against Drugs, Youth Dance featuring musician Wolf Holler, with Sam Quinones (bestseller author, Dreamland)
    • 8-11PM, Nachand Field House (601 E. Court Ave, Jeffersonville)